At our company, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver custom web and mobile solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. We have experience building a wide range of projects, including basic marketing websites, e-commerce platforms, customer portals, and interactive business applications.
To save our clients time and money, we often utilize open-source tools in our development process. Our specialty lies in using the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is a standard web platform, enabling us to build custom systems using common technologies. Additionally, this approach allows us to share in the collective community and gives us the freedom to build our client’s dreams. We are also experts in building custom Word Press sites.
One of the key advantages of using a database to store data for a website is the potential for limitless expansion possibilities. A simple database of a few items can be expanded and updated easily using only a web browser. This allows for various functions such as search, data calculations, e-commerce, and many other features to be immediately available on a database-driven website.
We understand that fresh and constantly updated content is crucial for attracting and retaining website visitors. With a database-driven design, we can web-enable our client’s existing product catalog, information store, or document library in an efficient and secure manner, making it easy for non-technical staff to maintain and update the website’s content.